1-7z Optical port (including Combo optical port) does not support VCT (virtual-cable-test) function.z Combo electrical port supports VCT function only when it is in UP condition (using undo shutdowncommand), normal Ethernet electrical port always supports this function.Configuring the Interval to Perform Statistical Analysis on Port TrafficBy performing the following configuration, you can set the interval to perform statistical analysis on thetraffic of a port.When you use the display interface interface-type interface-number command to display theinformation of a port, the system performs statistical analysis on the traffic flow passing through the portduring the specified interval and displays the average rates in the interval. For example, if you set thisinterval to 100 seconds, the displayed information is as follows:Last 100 seconds input: 0 packets/sec 0 bytes/secLast 100 seconds output: 0 packets/sec 0 bytes/secFollow these steps to set the interval to perform statistical analysis on port traffic:To do... Use the command... RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enter Ethernet port view interface interface-typeinterface-number —Set the interval to performstatistical analysis on porttrafficflow-interval intervalOptionalBy default, this interval is 300seconds.Disabling Up/Down Log Output on a PortAn Ethernet port has three physical link statuses: Up, Down, and Administratively Down. For statustransition conditions, refer to the description of the display brief interface command in Basic PortConfiguration Command.When the physical link status of an Ethernet port changes between Up and Down or Up andAdministratively Down, the switch will generate Up/Down log and send the log information to theterminal automatically by default. If the status of Ethernet ports in a network changes frequently, largeamount of log information may be sent to the terminal, which consumes more network resources.Additionally, too frequent log information is not convenient for you to view.You can limit the amount of the log information sent to the terminal by disabling the Up/Down log outputfunction on some Ethernet ports selectively. For information about log output settings, refer to theInformation Center module.Disable Up/Down log output on a portFollow these steps to disable UP/Down log output on a port: