3-7Telnet Configuration with Authentication Mode Being SchemeConfiguration ProcedureFollow these steps to configure Telnet with the authentication mode being scheme:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enter one or more VTY userinterface viewsuser-interface vtyfirst-number [ last-number ] —Configure to authenticateusers in the scheme modeauthentication-modescheme [ command-authorization ]RequiredThe specified AAA schemedetermines what authenticationmode is adopted, local, RADIUS orHWTACACS.Users are authenticated locally bydefault.Quit to system view quit —Enter thedefault ISPdomain viewdomain domain-nameConfigure theAAA schemeto be appliedto the domainscheme { local | none |radius-schemeradius-scheme-name[ local ] | hwtacacs-schemehwtacacs-scheme-name[ local ] }Configuretheauthentication schemeQuit tosystem view quitOptionalBy default, the local AAA scheme isapplied. If you specify to apply thelocal AAA scheme, you need toperform the configurationconcerning local user as well.If you specify to apply RADIUS orHWTACACS scheme, you need toperform the following configurationas well:z Perform AAA&RADIUSconfiguration on the switch.(Refer to the AAA part for more.)z Configure the user name andpassword accordingly on theAAA server. (Refer to the usermanual of AAA server.)Create a local user and enterlocal user view local-user user-name No local user exists by default.Set the authenticationpassword for the local userpassword { simple | cipher }password RequiredSpecify the service type forVTY usersservice-type telnet [ levellevel ] RequiredNote that:If you configure to authenticate the users in the scheme mode, the command level available to the userslogging in to the switch depends on the user level defined in the AAA scheme.z When the AAA scheme is local, the user level depends on the service-type { ftp | lan-access |{ ssh | telnet | terminal }* [ level level ] } command.z When the AAA scheme is RADIUS or HWTACACS, you need to specify the user level of a user onthe corresponding RADIUS or HWTACACS server.