1-4z Packets with the destination MAC address matching the specified MAC address.Compared with port mirroring, MAC-based mirroring is more precise and it can be used tomonitor packets of specific device in the network.VLAN-Based MirroringWith VLAN-based mirroring configured, a device mirrors packets received on all ports inthe specified VLAN to the destination port.Compared with port mirroring, VLAN-based mirroring is more extensive and it can be usedto monitor packets of a specific VLAN or VLANs in the network.Traffic MirroringTraffic mirroring uses ACL to monitor traffic that matches certain criteria on a specific port.Unlike port mirroring where all inbound/outbound traffic passing through a port ismonitored, traffic mirroring provides a finer monitoring granularity. For detailedconfiguration about traffic mirroring, refer to QoS-QoS Profile Operation.Mirroring ConfigurationComplete the following tasks to configure mirroring:Task RemarksConfiguring Local Port Mirroring OptionalConfiguring Remote Port Mirroring OptionalConfiguring MAC-Based Mirroring OptionalConfiguring VLAN-Based Mirroring OptionalOn an S5100 series Ethernet switch, only one destination port for local port mirroring orone reflector port for remote port mirroring can be configured, and the two kinds of portscannot both exist.Configuring Local Port MirroringConfiguration prerequisitesz The source port is determined and the direction in which the packets are to be mirroredis determined.z The destination port is determined.