156Chapter 8: Managing Powerwww.gateway.comChanging SpeedStep settingsThe processor installed in your notebook may use Intel ® SpeedStep™technology to conserve battery power. A SpeedStep-equipped processor canchange its operating speed according to the power source. Your notebook’sdefault settings operate the processor at full speed while connected to AC powerand at reduced speed (which uses less power) while using battery power.If you are using Windows XP, you can modify the Intel SpeedStep settings bythe power scheme you select. For more information, see “Changing powersettings” on page 149. If you are using Windows 2000, you can change theSpeedStep settings using the Intel SpeedStep technology tab.To change SpeedStep settings in Windows 2000:1 Click Start, Settings, then click Control Panel. The Control Panel windowopens.2 Double-click the Power Management icon. The Power Options Properties dialogbox opens.3 Click the Intel SpeedStep technology tab.