91Using the CD or DVD drivewww.gateway.comUsing the CD or DVD driveYou can use your computer to enjoy a wide variety of multimedia features.Identifying drive typesYour Gateway computer contains one of the following drive types. Look onthe front of the drive for one of the following logos:CD drive Use a CD drive for installing programs,playing audio CDs, and accessing data.You cannot use this drive to create CDsor DVDs or play DVDs.DVD drive Use a DVD drive for installing programs,playing audio CDs, playing DVDs, andaccessing data.You cannot use this drive to create CDsor DVDs.CombinationDVD/CD-RWdriveUse a combination DVD/CD-RW drive forinstalling programs, playing audio CDs,playing DVDs, accessing data, andrecording music and data to CD-R orCD-RW discs.You cannot use this drive to create DVDs.For more information, see “Using arecordable drive” on page 106.CombinationDVD-R/RW DriveUse a combination DVD-R/RW drive forinstalling programs, playing audio CDs,playing DVDs, accessing data, recordingmusic and data to CD-R or CD-RW discs,and recording video and data toDVD-RAM, DVD-R, or DVD-RW discs.For more information, see “Using arecordable drive” on page 106.RECORDER