46REFERENCEEditingWaypointsWaypoints can be de-leted individually, bycommon symbol or all atonce. Select the desired‘Delete’ option and pressENTER.To rename a waypoint,enter the new name di-rectly over the old andpress ENTER.To Spell ‘n Find a waypoint:1. Select the Spell ën Find option and use the rockerkeypad to enter the first few characters of thewaypoint name.2. Press ENTER to view waypoints starting withcharacters entered.Delete Waypoint— allows you to delete thewaypoint which is highlighted on theWaypoint List.Delete by Symbol— allows you to select awaypoint symbol and all waypoints with thiscorresponding symbol will be deleted frommemory.Delete All— deletes all waypoints currentlystored in memory.To delete a waypoint (or waypoints):1. Select the desired delete option from the listabove and press ENTER. The GPS 12 MAP willdelete all waypoints not used in a route, thenprompt you to continue before deleting any routewaypoints.2. If ëDelete by Symbolí is selected, select thedesired symbol and press ENTER.Editing WaypointsOnce you have created and stored awaypoint, it may be modified, reviewed,renamed or deleted at any time through theWaypoint Edit Page. The Waypoint Edit Pagefor any stored waypoint can be retrieved byhighlighting the desired waypoint on the mapdisplay, or selecting it from any waypoint list,and pressing the ENTER key.To access the Waypoint Edit Page:1. Use the rocker keypad to highlight the desiredwaypoint on the map display or on any waypointlist.2. Press ENTER to display the Waypoint Edit Pagefor the selected waypoint.