32To select an on-screen waypoint with thepanning arrow:1. Use the rocker keypad to highlight the desiredwaypoint.2. Press ENTER to review information for theselected waypoint.3. To exit the information page, press QUIT.To GOTO a highlighted waypoint:1. With the waypoint highlighted, press GOTO,followed by ENTER.The GOTO function can be used anywhereon the map. If a waypoint or highway exit is nothighlighted, a new waypoint (called ‘MAP’) willbe created at the arrow location before theGOTO is initiated. If want to save thiswaypoint, rename it, as the next ‘MAP’waypoint entered will override the current one.To cancel the pan function and re-centerthe map on your position:1. Press the QUIT key.Highway exit information is also availablewhen using the pan function. Simply place thepanning pointer over the exit location toretrieve additional information—includingavailable services—about the exit. Exit informa-tion is generally limited to interstate highwaysand is categorized into two types:Common Exits— traditional ramp, cloverleafor intersection exits.Special Exits— rest areas, service areas, tollbooths, welcome centers and weigh stations.Common exits are depicted with an opensquare icon when services are available and afilled-gray square icon when no services areavailable.REFERENCEMapPageBy placing the panningarrow over an on-screenwaypoint and pressingGOTO, you don’t need tomanually select yourdestination from theGOTO page.For a selected highwayexit, the Exit Info Pagedisplays the number ofavailable services andicons depicting the typeof available services