45REFERENCECreatingWaypointsYou can choose from alist of symbols used toidentify the waypoint onthe map display.The Spell ‘n Find optionallows you to retrievewaypoint information bymanually entering thewaypoint’s name with therocker keypad.4. Highlight ëNew Waypointí and press ENTER. TheNew Waypoint Page appears.5. To enter a name for the new waypoint, highlightthe waypoint name field and press ENTER. Usethe rocker keypad to enter the waypoint name andpress ENTER when finished.6. To enter position coordinates for the newwaypoint, highlight the waypoint coordinates fieldand press ENTER. Use the rocker keypad to enterthe position coordinates and press ENTER whenfinished. (For lat/long coordinates, enter both thelatitude and longitude information before pressingENTER.) OR,7. To create the new waypoint by referencing anotherposition, highlight the reference waypoint namefield and press ENTER. Use the rocker keypad toenter the name of the reference waypoint andpress ENTER. (If the reference waypoint namefield is left blank, your present position will beused as the reference position.) Use the sameprocedure to enter the bearing (BRG) anddistance (DIST) from the reference waypoint to thenew waypoint. (Remember to press ENTER onceeach data item is selected with the rocker keypad.)8. To save the new waypoint in memory, highlightëDoneí and press ENTER.Waypoint List OptionsThe Waypoint List Options were displayedusing the first three steps, above. In addition to‘New Waypoint’, there are five additional options:Show Map— allows you to view the maparea around the highlighted waypoint on theWaypoint List. While viewing the mapdisplay, you can also use the IN and OUTzoom keys to see additional detail.To view the map area around a high-lighted waypoint on the Waypoint List:1. Select ëShow Mapí (from the Waypoint ListOptions) and press ENTER.Spell ‘n Find— allows you to display theWaypoint Edit Page for any waypoint inmemory, by typing in the first few charactersof the waypoint’s name.