13Once you’ve stored a waypoint in memory,you can use the GPS 12 MAP to guide you to itby using the GOTO feature. A GOTO is reallynothing more than a straight-line course fromyour present position to the destination you’veselected. A GOTO can be performed severalways: by specifying the destination from theGOTO Page, graphically from the map displayor by highlighting the waypoint name on anypage (such as the Nearest Waypoints List).To select a GOTO destination from theGOTO Page:1. Press GOTO. This captures your current positionas the starting point for your trip.2. Highlight the ëAllí tab, using the rocker keypad, tolist all waypoints currently stored in memory.3. Highlight the desired waypoint, using the rockerkeypad, and press ENTER.To select a GOTO destination from theMap Page:1. With the Map Page displayed, use the rockerkeypad to place the cursor over the desireddestination waypoint. (If no waypoint exists at thedestination location, the GPS 12 MAP willautomatically create one, named ëMAPí in the stepbelow.)2. Press GOTO, and then ENTER to navigate to theselected location.To GOTO a listed waypoint on theNearest Waypoints List, Nearest CitiesList or Nearest Exits List:1. With the Nearest Waypoints List, Nearest CitiesList, or Nearest Exits List displayed (see pages 49and 50), use the rocker keypad to highlight thedesired waypoint or city.2. Press GOTO, and then ENTER to navigate to theselected location.Once the GOTO destination is selected, usethe Map Page, Compass Page and/or HighwayPage to keep track of your progress as you headtoward your destination.GETTING STARTEDTo select a destinationfrom all waypoints storedin memory, highlight the‘All’ tab, than select thedesired waypoint andpress ENTER.To GOTO one of thelisted ‘Nearest’ cities,highlight the desired city,press GOTO and thenENTER. A new waypointwill be created using thecity name.Going to aWaypoint