556REFERENCERoutesTo display the Route List,showing all routes storedin memory, select ‘Routes’from the Main Menu.To create a new route, se-lect ‘New Route’ from theRoute Options and enterthe names for the routewaypoints in the sequenceyou wish to follow.Route navigation allows you to manuallycreate a sequence of intermediate waypointswhich lead you to your final destination. TheGPS 12 MAP will store up to 20 reversibleroutes, with up to 30 waypoints in each route.Routes can be created and modified by textentry (using the rocker keypad to enterwaypoint names) or directly from the mapdisplay. Using the map display allows you to seeeach route graphically on-screen as you create,review, modify or navigate the route. All of theGPS 12 MAP’s route functions are accessedthrough the Main Menu.To create a new route by entering thename of each waypoint:1. Press MENU twice to display the Main Menu.2. Highlight ëRoutesí and press ENTER. The RouteList is displayed, showing all routes stored inmemory.3. Press MENU to display the Route Options.4. Highlight ëNew Routeí and press ENTER. TheGPS 12 MAP creates a route called ëEMPTY-1í.(The name changes as you add waypoints to theroute, so make note of the route name for futurereference.)5. Highlight the first waypoint name field and pressENTER to begin entering the name of an existingwaypoint in memory.6. Use the rocker keypad to enter the name of theroute waypoint.7. Press ENTER to accept the selected routewaypoint.8. Highlight the next waypoint name field, pressENTER and repeat steps 6 & 7 until all thewaypoints have been added to the route.