774REFERENCESetup Menu:UnitsSelect nautical, statuteor metric units of mea-sure from the ‘Units’ set-tings.The ‘User Mag’ optionallows you to define themagnetic variation foryour area. ‘Auto MagVar’ is the preferred set-ting in most cases.Units SettingsDistance & Speed lets you select the desiredunits of measure for distance and speedreadouts in ‘Nautical’, ‘Statute’ or ‘Metric’terms.Heading lets you select the reference used incalculating heading information. You canselect from ‘Auto Mag Var’, ‘True’, ‘Grid’ and‘User Mag Var’. ‘Auto Mag Var’ providesmagnetic north heading references which areautomatically determined from your currentposition. ‘True’ provides headings basedupon a true north reference. ‘Grid’ providesheadings based on a grid north reference(and is used in conjunction with the gridposition formats described on page 78). ‘UserMag Var’ allows you to specify the magneticvariation at your current position andprovides magnetic north heading referencesbased upon the variation you enter.Altitude/Elevation lets you select altitudereadouts in ‘Feet’ or ‘Meters’.To select a units setting:1. Highlight the desired field and press ENTER todisplay the available options.2. Select the desired option and press ENTER.3. If ëUser Mag Varí is selected in the ëHeadingí field,highlight the heading reference field (immediatelyto the right) and press ENTER. Enter the magneticvariation at your current position using the rockerkeypad and press ENTER.WARNING: If ‘User Mag Var’ is selected, youmust periodically update the magneticvariation as your position changes. Using thissetting, the GPS 12 MAP will not automati-cally calculate and update the magneticvariation at your present position. Failure toupdate this setting may result in substantialdifferences between the information dis-played on your GPS 12 MAP and externalreferences, such as a magnetic compass.