75REFERENCESetup Menu:TimersThe ‘User Timer’ optionprovides both count upand count down timers.The battery timer willautomatically resetwhen depleted batteriesare replaced with a freshset.Timers SettingsUser Timer lets you select a count up orcount down timer. For a count down timeryou may also specify the count downduration.To select a user timer setting:1. For a count down timer, highlight the ëUser Timerífield in the right-hand column, press ENTER andenter the count duration using the rocker keypad.Press ENTER to accept, thenówith the left-handcolumn highlightedópress ENTER to view theUser Timer options. Select ëDowní and pressENTER.2. For a count up timer, highlight the ëUser Timerífield in the left-hand column, press ENTER andselect ëUpí. Press ENTER to confirm.3. To reset the timer or turn the timer off, highlight theëUser Timerí field in the left-hand column, pressENTER and select ëResetí or ëOffí (as appropriate).Press ENTER to confirm.Battery Timer provides a running count ofhow long the GPS 12 MAP has been inoperation with the current batteries. Thetimer automatically stops when using anexternal power source. The timer willautomatically reset when depleted batteriesare replaced, but can also be manually reset.To select a battery timer setting:1. Highlight the ëBattery Timerí field in the left-handcolumn and press ENTER.2. Select ëOffí, ëOní or ëResetí (as appropriate) andpress ENTER.Since Midnight provides a running count ofhow long the GPS 12 MAP has been inoperation since midnight of the current day.Since Factory Reset provides a runningcount of total GPS 12 MAP operating timesince the receiver was shipped from thefactory.