53REFERENCEGOTO Options /MOBTo cancel a currentGOTO destination, select‘Cancel GOTO’ from theGOTO Options.Press and hold the GOTOkey to activate the MOB(man overboard) featureCancel GOTO— cancels the current GOTOdestination and resumes navigation of anypreviously selected route. If no route iscurrently in use; bearing, distance, etc. willremain blank until a destination waypoint isdefined.To cancel the current GOTO destination,highlight ‘Cancel GOTO’ and pressENTER.MOB (man overboard)The GPS 12 MAP’s MOB function lets yousimultaneously mark and set a course to aposition for quick response in an emergency.Once an MOB has been activated, an MOBsymbol will appear on the map display and thenavigation screens will guide you back to the‘MOB’ waypoint.To activate the MOB function:1. Press and hold GOTO to capture the MOBposition.2. Press ENTER to begin navigating back to theëMOBí waypoint.3. To cancel the MOB function, select ëCancelGOTOí from the GOTO Options and pressENTER.NOTE: Each time an MOB is activated, anyprevious ‘MOB’ position stored in memory will beoverwritten and permanently lost. If you wish tosave an ‘MOB’ waypoint for future use, you shouldgive the waypoint a new name using the stepsoutlined on page 47.