47REFERENCEEditingWaypointsThe default waypointcomment is the time anddate the waypoint wascreated. You can enteryour own comment us-ing the rocker keypad.Edit a waypoint’s posi-tion by entering new co-ordinates directly overthe old.From the Waypoint Edit Page, highlight theappropriate field to rename a waypoint, changeits symbol, edit the comment or edit theposition.To rename the waypoint:1. Highlight the waypoint name field and pressENTER.2. Use the rocker keypad to enter the new waypointname and press ENTER.3. If finished, highlight ëDoneí and press ENTER.To change the waypoint’s symbol:1. Highlight the waypoint symbol field and pressENTER.2. Use the rocker keypad to select the desiredsymbol and press ENTER. The selected symbolwill be used to denote the waypoint position on themap display.3. If finished, highlight ëDoneí and press ENTER.When a waypoint is created, the time anddate of creation is automatically added as awaypoint comment. You can edit this informa-tion or create an entirely new comment, asneeded.To edit the waypoint comment:1. Highlight the waypoint comment field and pressENTER.2. Use the rocker keypad to enter the desiredcomment and press ENTER.3. If finished, highlight ëDoneí and press ENTER.To edit the waypoint position:1. Highlight the waypoint coordinates field to changethe position coordinates, or highlight the referencewaypoint name, bearing or distance fields tochange the reference waypoint information. PressENTER to begin editing.2. Use the rocker keypad to enter the new informa-tion. Press ENTER to accept the new information.3. When finished, highlight ëDoneí and press ENTER.