9The GPS 12 MAP features two differentnavigation pages: Compass and Highway. TheCompass Page is first. This page providesgraphic steering guidance to a destinationwaypoint, with an emphasis on the bearing toyour destination and current direction of travel.(The Highway Page places greater emphasis onthe straight-line desired course and the distanceand direction you are off course.) The middle ofthe page features a rotating ‘compass ring’ thatshows your course over ground (track) whileyou’re moving, and a bearing pointer thatindicates the direction of the destination(bearing) relative to the course over ground.The compass ring and pointer arrow workindependently to show—at a glance—thedirection of your movement and the directionto your destination. For instance, if the arrowpoints up, you are going directly to thewaypoint. If the arrow points any directionother than up, turn toward the arrow until itpoints up—then continue in that direction.The current speed and distance to thedestination waypoint as well as the time to thedestination waypoint and the current time aredisplayed at the top of the screen. This pageprovides better steering guidance than theHighway Page when travelling at slower speedsand/or when making frequent directionalchanges.GETTING STARTEDIf the bearing pointerpoints up, your are goingdirectly to your destina-tion. If not, turn towardthe arrow until it pointsup, then continue in thatdirection.The ‘Big Numbers’ option(Compass Page Options)shows a much smallercompass display andlarger data field charac-ters. See page 40.Current SpeedDistance to WaypointCompass PageTime to WaypointCurrent TimeCompass RingPointer (Bearing toDestination)Compass Page