Preparing Recording Media34MenusTable of Contents Index4 Touch [Complete Initialization] to delete all data completely.5 Touch [Yes].• If you are using the [Complete Initialization] option, you can touch [Cancel] to cancel the operation while it isin progress. You can use the SD card but all data will be erased.6 When the confirmation screen appears, touch [OK].• The selected recording media is initialized and all the data it contains is erased.IMPORTANT• Initializing a recording media will permanently erase all data. Lost data cannot be recovered. Make sure yousave important recordings in advance.• Depending on the SD card, the complete initialization may take up to a few minutes.Recovering Data on a Recording MediaSome actions, such as suddenly turning off the camcorder or removing the recording media while data is beingrecorded, can cause data errors on the recording media. In such case, you may be able to recover the data if amessage is displayed indicating that a clip needs recovering. You can recover the clips from a playback indexscreen.1 Open the index screen with the clip you want to recover (A 100).2 Select the clip to recover.• The clip is indicated by a [?] in the thumbnail.3 When the camcorder prompts you to recover the clip, touch [Yes].4 After the clip has been recovered, touch [OK].NOTES• This procedure may delete clips shorter than 0.5 seconds in length. Additionally, up to 0.5 seconds may bedeleted from the end of the clips.• In some cases, it may not be possible to recover the data. This is more likely when the file system is corruptedor the recording media is physically damaged.• Only clips recorded with this camcorder can be recovered.Operating modes: