3–23OPERATIONS AND TIMINGCOPYRIGHT © 1998 CANON INC. CANON NP6621 REV.0 FEB. 1998 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)From switch on until the fixing rollertemperature reaches 165°C for theblack developer or 145°C for the CTUnit. (about 75 seconds at an ambienttemperature of 20°C)Until the fixing roller temperaturereaches 175°C to 180°C for the blackdeveloper or 155°C to 160°C for the CTunit.• From when LSTR ends until whenthe Copy Start key is pressed or thepower switch is turned OFF.• From when the power switch isturned ON until the Copy Start key ispressed.For at least 1 sec after the Copy Startkey is pressed.While the scanner is moving forward.• The distance traveled forwarddepends on the cassette size and thereproduction ratio.• The speed for forward traveldepends on the selectedreproduction ratio.While the scanner is moving in reverse.From when SCRV ends until when thecopy paper moves past the deliverysensor.Period FunctionAllows time for fixingroller to warm up.Keeps fixing rollertemperature uniform.Stabilizes drumsensitivity to prepare forcopying.Waits for a press on anoperation key (e.g.,Copy Start key).Stabilizes the drumsensitivity in preparationfor copying operation.Moves the scannerforward/in reverse about65 mm to measure thedensity of the original.Illuminates the originalby the scanning lamp,and the reflected opticalimage is projected onthe photosensitive drumthrough mirrors andlenses.Returns the scanner tothe home position inpreparation for the nextcopying operation.Removes charges fromthe surface of thephotosensitive drum aspost copyingprocessing.WMUP (Warm-Up)WMUPR (Warm-Up Rotation)STBY (standby)INTR(initial rotation)AER(AE rotation)SCFW(scanner forward)SCRV(scanner reverse)LSTR(last rotation)RemarksWarm-up time varieswith fixing rollertemperature at powerON. When the COPYSTART key is lightinggreen.• After the WMUPRperiod ends, theREADY/WAITindicator changesfrom orange to green.• Even when the fixingroller has warmed up,it rotates for at least3.5 seconds.• 2 min or more afterLSTR ends, thedisplay on the controlpanel switches tostandard mode.AE mode only.The registration signal isgenerated and the copypaper is fed to thetransfer assembly.Discharges the lastcopy.Table 3-101