i iIntroductionCOPYRIGHT © 1998 CANON INC. CANON NP6621 REV.0 FEB. 1998 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)RDF-F1 (Recirculating Document Feeder)Automatically feeds a set of up to 100 originals to theplaten glass for copying. The RDF can also turn overtwo-sided originals for automatic two-sided copying.MS-B1 (10 bins)Automotically sorts and groups sets of up to10 copies.ADF-E1 (Automatic Document Feeder)Automatically feeds sets of up to 30 originals tothe copyboard for copying.Stapler Sorter-D2 (10 bins)Automatically sorts or groups copiesinto 10 bins at (30 pages per set).Staples sets of up to 20 copieseach.Control Card IV NAllows you to monitor the number ofcopies made by each card holder.Cassette Feeding Module-A2Allows you to increase your paper supplythrough the addition of two paper cassettes.Cassette Feeding Module-B2Allows you to increase your paper supplythrough the addition of one paper cassette.Cassette Feeding Unit-K1Allows you to increase yourpaper supply through the additionof three paper cassettes.Paper Deck Pedestal-K1Holds up to 1500 sheets of one type of paper.