Using Dynamic Job Descriptor Entries (DJDEs)Using LCDS Print Description Language 5-73• When simplex mode is put into effect, as is done by use ofthe TRANS DJDE, the system ensures that the first simplexpage printed after the DJDE is on an odd numbered page. Toaccomplish this, the system forces a blank back side for thelast duplex page.However, if you specify TRANS=NO and DUPLEX=YES, thesystem ensures that the first duplex page is printed on anodd numbered page.XMP DJDE(Xerographic Mode Persistence) Controls the xerographic modeswitching between black and color printing for a report.Type Record orientedSyntax XMP = {DEFAULT | REPORT}OptionsXSHIFT DJDESpecifies whether the image of the form and data on a page is tobe shifted, and if so, by what values. This DJDE shifts the datadownward (in the x direction) for short edge binding, because along edge feed page is viewed in portrait mode. It is typicallyused to accommodate top drilled paper, binding, finishing, andedgemarking.Type Page orientedSyntax XSHIFT = {YES | NO | (v1, v2)}Table 5-63. XMP DJDE options and definitionsOption DefinitionDEFAULT Specifies that the xerographic mode switching that was specified at installationwill be used for the report.REPORT Specifies that when the system determines that a report requires highlight colorfor a page, all subsequent pages of the report will print in highlight color.