Specifying input parameters2-12 Using LCDS Print Description LanguageBLOCK commandThe BLOCK command defines block length characteristics andrecording modes for offline data sources.BLOCK command parametersThe following table summarizes the BLOCK commandparameters.The following sections describe the syntax of the BLOCKcommand parameters and explain their options.Table 2-4. Summary of BLOCK command parametersParameter Specifies Offline Online DJDEBLOCK ADJUST Specifies the adjustment value that is added to orsubtracted from the content of the block lengthfield.Y N NBLOCK CONSTANT Specifies that the block delimiter constant and allsubsequent data are ignored until the end of theblock.Y N NBLOCK FORMAT Specifies the length field recording mode. Y N NBLOCK LENGTH Specifies the maximum block size. Y N NBLOCK LMULT Specifies a multiplication factor to determineblock length.Y N NBLOCK LTHFLD Specifies the length of field that contains theblock length specification.Y N NBLOCK OFFSET Specifies the location of the block length field. Y N NBLOCK POSTAMBLE Specifies the length of extraneous data at theend of the block.Y N NBLOCK PREAMBLE Specifies the length of the operating systemportion of blockY N NBLOCK ZERO Specifies that the criterion test for the end of theblock is 0.Y N N