Using logical processingUsing LCDS Print Description Language 3-53RSTACK commandThe stacked reports feature enables you to define a series ofreports in a single file. This is accomplished by specifying theend of the report in the coded logical processing commands.The printer stacks reports in a file if more than one report isincluded in a single file (or a single spooled host file identified bythe banner pages). In processing stacked reports, the systemchecks each record for the logical “end of report” specification asdefined by the RSTACK TEST parameter.When you use RSTACK for report separation, the end of thereport occurs as soon as the test criteria are satisfied. However,when BANNER is coded, you specify the number of consecutivebanner pages that must satisfy the test criteria before end ofreport occurs.Report separation based on banner page detection is performedwith the BANNER command. When you use RSTACK for reportseparation, the end of the report occurs as soon as the testexpression is satisfied. However, when BANNER is coded, youspecify the number of consecutive banner pages that mustsatisfy the test criteria before the end of the report occurs, andreport separation occurs on a page boundary.RSTACK delimiter modesThere are two modes of stacked reports: delimiter andnondelimiter.• In delimiter mode, the record satisfying the TEST criteria isnot part of the data for the report that follows the delimiter, butsimply serves to separate or delimit one report from another.• In nondelimiter mode, reports are “stacked” one after theother without any special records separating them.The two modes are specified by the DELIMITER parameter ofthe RSTACK command.Delimiter mode If DELIMITER=YES is coded (delimiter mode), you may actuallyseparate each report with multiple successive records, each ofwhich satisfies the test expression of the RSTACK command. Inthis case, all consecutive delimiters are treated as a delimiterpacket.