Using logical processingUsing LCDS Print Description Language 3-17OptionsDefault No defaultCRITERIACONSTANTparameter syntaxexampleThe following CRITERIA command syntax diagram describes atest for a subfield equal to a specific constant table.criid: CRITERIA CONSTANT=(offset, length, EQ, tabid);In the above syntax, the CONSTANT parameter specifies thatthe content of a record is to be compared to the values that werespecified in a TABLE command with identifier tabid. (Refer to“TABLE command” in this chapter for an explanation of the tabidparameter.)The subfield that will be compared is located the number of bytesindicated by the offset variable from the start of the user portionof the record. The subfield has a length the number of bytesindicated in the length variable. When the subfield in the recordmatches a constant in the table, the CRITERIA command isTRUE and the processing specified by the parameter iscompleted or acted upon.CRITERIA LINENUMSpecifies the range of consecutive line numbers for which theCRITERIA command is fully evaluated.Syntax CRITERIA LINENUM = (init, count)Table 3-9. CRITERIA CONSTANT parameter options and definitionsOption Definitionoffset The offset in bytes (relative to zero) from the start of the user portion of therecord to the field in the record being compared.length The length in bytes of the test field. Its range is 1 to 255.EQ Indicates the operation EQUAL TO.NE Indicates “not equal to.”tabid table identifier.The identifier of a table, specified in the TABLE command, that contains theconstant to which the test field is compared.