Specifying print format parameters4-42 Using LCDS Print Description LanguageOUTPUT commandThe OUTPUT command controls the organization and format ofa report, including the number of copies of a report, the forms tobe printed with the variable data, report offsetting, and the use ofsimplex or duplex mode. For further information on graphicsfeatures, refer to the “Using PDL commands for graphics”chapter.OUTPUT command parametersThe following table summarizes the OUTPUT commandparameters.Table 4-42. Summary of OUTPUT command parametersParameter Specifies Online Offline DJDEOUTPUT BFORM Prints a specified form only on the back sidesof duplex pages.Y Y YOUTPUT BINDING Specifies page rotation for printing for shortedge or long edge binding.Y N NOUTPUT COLLATE Specifies whether report pages will becollated or uncollated.Y Y YOUTPUT COPIES Specifies the number of report copies that willbe printed.Y Y YOUTPUT COVER Feeds cover pages for a report from the traythat contains the AUX stock.Y Y NOUTPUT CYCLEFORMS Associates forms with report pages in arepeating sequence.Y Y NOUTPUT DENSITY Enables or disables image generator localdensity functionality. (Listed for compatibilitypurposes; not supported on DP EPS.)Y Y NOUTPUT DESTINATION Specifies the destination for printed output. Y Y YOUTPUT DUPLEX Prints the job on both sides of the paper. Y Y YOUTPUT FACEUP Delivers and stacks the printed sheets face upin the stacker.Y Y NOUTPUT FEED Specifies the tray from which paper will feedfor the job.Y Y YOUTPUT FORMAT Specifies a page descriptor entry (PDE) forthe job.Y Y YOUTPUT FORMS Associates forms with report copies Y Y Y