Specifying input parametersUsing LCDS Print Description Language 2-19Figure 2-1. Sample BLOCK command diagramCODE commandDefines a character code translation table.When you require a user defined character code translationtable, you define the character translation using this command,then reference the CODE command using the VOLUME CODEparameter. As an alternative, you can use the USER option ofthe VOLUME CODE parameter to reference the CODEcommand for which no identifier was provided.ac identifier A command identifier of the type ac is optional for the firstCODE command within a JDE. Thereafter, each additionalCODE command must include the identifier. The ac identifierconsists of 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters (A through Z and 0through 9). One of the characters must be alphabetic.CODE command parametersThe following table summarizes the CODE commandparameters.Table 2-15. Summary of CODE command parametersParameter Specifies Online Offline DJDECODE ASSIGN Defines user code assignments. Y Y NCODE DEFAULT Specifies a base code from which charactercode assignment exceptions can be made.Y Y NCODE SPACECODE Specifies the blank code for single-bytecharactersY Y N