Specifying print format parametersUsing LCDS Print Description Language 4-19IDR commandAllows you to define default ink catalogs, palettes, and inks.ac identifier You must specify an ac identifier when defining an IDR. Thisidentifier is referenced by the OUTPUT IDR parameter or theIDR DJDE. If a JSL contains an IDR command, but does notspecify an IDR name, the following message appears when theJSL is compiled:IDR FILE WILL BE USED DURING PRINTING.The IDR command may be coded as part of the JSL or createdas separate files that may be referenced by JDLs or DJDEs. (Aseparate file is created by the XJDC compiler when thecommands that define the IDR are coded outside the JSL. TheIDR command identifier is used as the filename.) An IDR that iscreated as a separate disk file may be used as if it were part ofthe JDL that references it.If a DJDE will call the IDR, the IDR must be defined before theJDL command, so that the IDR is saved on the system disk as aseparate file.NOTE: The IDR command is a highlight color command that isrecognized by printers such as the Xerox 4850, 4890, andDP92C LPS. It may be included in JSLs that are created on yourmonochrome system for highlight color printing. If the systemencounters this command when printing, it is ignored.IDR overrides The OUTPUT IDR parameter references an IDR command (withappropriate parameters) for each job. These IDRs are used forthe job unless they are overridden by other commands orcommand parameters. For example, the IDFAULT parameter ofthe OUTPUT command can override an ink specified in an IDRthat has been referenced in a job.The default ink is defined according to the following overridesequence:1. The IDFAULT DJDE has highest priority.2. The OUTPUT IDFAULT parameter has the next priority at thejob level.3. A catalog level default overrides a system level default if it isspecified at the job level.4. A system level default has next priority if it is not overridden atthe catalog or job levels.