Using Dynamic Job Descriptor Entries (DJDEs)5-34 Using LCDS Print Description LanguageOptionsFONTINDEX DJDE: points to note• The FONTINDEX DJDE takes effect at the next logical pageboundary.• The FONTINDEX DJDE options are the same as for the LINEFONTINDEX command).• Because there is ambiguity between the FONTINDEX andFONTS keywords, if either is abbreviated to the first threeletters, the keyword defaults to FONTINDEX.• When multiple fonts of various sizes are used on a singlepage, the line spacing of any particular line is determined bythe largest font in use in the previous line. The current linecan also be adjusted downward by the difference in heightbetween the first and the largest font in the current line. Theline spacing of the first line in a report is determined by thefirst font in the PDE, provided the FONTINDEX JDLcommand or DJDE has not been specified.Table 5-24. FONTINDEX DJDE options and definitionsOption Definitionoffset Indicates the byte offset in the data record where the font index number islocated.(Refer to the “LINE OVERPRINT” parameter description in the “Specifying printformat parameters” chapter, for a discussion of FONTINDEX usage withoverprint lines and maximum number of fonts.)initval initial value.Index number associated with the first font in the font list (that is, the numberthe font list starts with). This value can be one of the following:• ONE specifies that an index value of 1 is associated with the first font in thefont list.• ZERO specifies that an index value of 0 is associated with the first font inthe font list, an index value of 1 is associated with the second font in thefont list, and so forth.The default for the initial font index value is ONE.bitopt bit optionA numeral specifying the number of low order bits within the font index byte,which, in turn, specifies an index value into the font list of the current PDE. Thebitopt value may be 1 through 7.The default bitopt value is 4.NONE Specifies that there is no font index.