Specifying print format parametersUsing LCDS Print Description Language 4-49OUTPUT COVERSpecifies that cover sheets are to be fed from the AUX stock.These cover sheets may be placed at the front or back of eachcopy of a report.Syntax OUTPUT COVER = {(FRONT [, SEP]) | BACK | (BOTH [, SEP]) |NONE}OptionsDefault NONEOUTPUT COVERparameter: pointto noteIf RTEXT is specified along with (FRONT, SEP) or (BOTH, SEP),RTEXT pages are printed on the covers, and front covers arepicked only on copies for which there is RTEXT. (Refer to theROUTE RTEXT parameter description later in this chapter, forfurther details on RTEXT.)Refer to “Restrictions on job parameter modification” for moreinformation on COVER specified in a selected JDE.OUTPUT CYCLEFORMSSpecifies a set of forms to be printed on report pages in arepeating sequence.Syntax OUTPUT CYCLEFORMS = {NONE | formid | (formid1 [, (INKS,inkref1 [inkref2]] [, ...])] [, formid2 [, (INKS, inkref1 [inkref2] [, ...])])}Table 4-47. OUTPUT COVER parameter options and definitionsOption DefinitionNONE Specifies that no cover sheets are to be fed.FRONT Specifies that a cover sheet will be fed as the first page of each report copy.SEP Specifies that no data will be printed on any front cover sheet.BACK Specifies that a cover page will be fed at the end of each copy. No report data isprinted on back covers.BOTH Specifies that both front and back cover pages will be fed for each report copy.The front cover sheet will be the first page of each copy.