[FTP server address]Enter the IP address or the host name of the FTP server.• Available number of characters: 1 - 128 characters• Available characters: Alphanumeric characters, the colon (:), the period (.), the underscore (_), and thehyphen (-).IMPORTANT• When entering the host name for “FTP server address”, it is necessary to configure the DNS settingson the [Network] tab of the “Network” page. (®page 166)[User name]Enter the user name (login name) to access the FTP server.• Available number of characters: 1 - 32 characters• Unavailable characters: " & : ; \[Password]Enter the password to access the FTP server.• Available number of characters: 0 - 32 characters• Unavailable characters: " &[Control port]Enter a control port number to be used for the FTP server.• Available port number: 1-65535• Default: 21The following port numbers are unavailable since they are already in use.20, 23, 25, 42, 53, 67, 68, 69, 80, 110, 123, 161, 162, 443, 995, 10669, 10670[FTP mode]Select “Passive” or “Active” for the FTP mode.Normally, select “Passive”. When it is impossible to connect after select “Passive”, try to connect after selecting“Active”.• Default: Passive16.3 Configure the settings relating to the NTP server[NTP]Click the [NTP] tab on the “Server” page. (®page 47, page 49)The settings relating to the NTP server such as the NTP server address, port number, etc. can be configuredon this page.Operating Instructions 16316 Configure the settings of the servers [Server]