-5-CAUTION - FOR CONTINUED PROTECTIONManufactured by Matushita CommunicationI n d u s t r i a l C o . L t d Y o k o h a m a J a p a n- AFIN D' ASSURER UNEATTENTIONAGAINST FIRE HAZARD REPLACE ONLY WITHSAME TYPE FUSEPROTECTION PERMANENTE CONTRE LES RISQUESD' INCENDIE REPLACER UNIQUEMENT PAR UNFUSIBLE DE MEME TYPEPOWER 120V AC 60 Hz 38WVIDEO OUT 1V [ p-p ] 75ΩFOR COMMERCIAL USE ONLY Made In JapanSIGNAL GND 120V AC 60HzOFF125V 4 APOWERONGNDSENSOR INALARM INALARM RESET INSERIES REC INTIME ADJUST INGNDALARM OUTALARM RECOVER OUTALARM RECRECDISCBUZZER OUTSYSTEM ERROR OUTTHERMAL ERROR OUTTIME ADJUST OUTSERIES REC OUTLEDMONITORCAMERA SW OUTAUDIOPARALELL CONTROLSERIAL CONTROLINOUTS-VIDEOOUTS-VIDEOVIDEO OUTVIDEO INB ASER.NO. 6ZA00001OUTPUT LEVELHL Rear View41. Looped Through Output B connector (B, OUT)The NTSC composite video signal B connected toVIDEO IN B (42) is looped through to this connector.Provided with automatic 75 Ω termination.42. Video Input B connector (VIDEO IN, B)For input of the NTSC composite video signal froman outboard device.43. Looped Through Output A connector (A, OUT)The NTSC composite video signal A connected toVIDEO IN A (44) is looped through to this connector.Provided with automatic 75 Ω termination.44. Video Input A connector (VIDEO IN, A)For input of the NTSC composite video signal froman outboard device.31. Recording button (REC)Pressing the REC button will start recording in thepreviously defined mode.32. Playback button (BB)Pressing the (BB) button will start playback. Holdingthe button down will speed up playback, releasing itwill restore the normal speed.33. Lock switch (LOCK OFF/ON)In ON position, locks out control of the DiscRecorder from the Control Panel and Parallel Controlport (49).Keep normally in OFF position.34. Stop button (STOP)Pressing the STOP button will terminate all modes ofoperation, such as recording, playback and setup.35. Open/Close button (OPEN/CLOSE)Press to slide the disc tray out or in for loading orunloading a disc.Disabled while the Disc Cover (8) is closed.36. Increment button (DD+)Pressing the (DD+) button in playback will decreasethe playback speed.Pressing it in paused playback will increment theplayback channel (or camera ID). To play back theselected channel, press the PLAY BACK SELECTbutton (38).37. Decrement button (CC–)Pressing the (CC–) button in playback will increasethe playback speed.Pressing it in paused playback will decrement theplayback channel (or camera ID). To play back theselected channel, press the PLAY BACK SELECTbutton (38).38. Playback Select button (PLAY BACK SELECT)Pressing the PLAY BACK SELECT button afterselecting the input channel with the (DD+) (36) or(CC–) (37) button will start playback of the respectivechannel.39. Setup/Escape button (SET UP/ESC)Used in the Disc Recorder’s setup operation.Pressing the button for about two seconds willestablish Setup mode and display the Setup menuwindow. Pressing it in a menu will return you to theprevious menu window.To terminate setup, press again for about two sec-onds.45. S-Video Input connector (VIDEO IN, S-VIDEO)For input of the S-video signal from an outboarddevice.46. Video Output connector (VIDEO OUT)Outputs the selected composite video signal for themonitor.The A input images are displayed during recording,except when A and B inputs are recorded at a cap-ture rate of one second or more.47. S-Video Output connector (VIDEO OUT, S-VIDEO)Outputs the selected S- video signal for the monitor.The A input images are displayed during recording,except when A and B inputs are recorded at a cap-ture rate of one second or more.