-39-PLAYBACK Basic PlaybackThe recorder has the following two basic playback func-tions.Playback/Reverse PlaybackPlays back the record recorded last in forward orreverse mode.Auto Forward/Auto Reverse PlaybackPlays back all recorded records continuously in for-ward or reverse mode.1. Pressing the PLAY button will play back thepicture. For reverse playback, press the PLAYbutton.2. Pressing the PLAY button during forwardplayback will start reverse playback from the picturecurrently displayed. To change from reverse to for-ward playback, press the PLAY button again.3. To toggle between playback and auto forward play-back, press the SET button. Each operation of theSET button will toggle between these two modes.Proceed in the same way to toggle between reverseplayback and auto reverse playback.4. Pressing the PAUSE button during playback orreverse playback will pause playback.5. To resume playback, press the PLAY orPLAY button.6. To stop playback or reverse playback, press theSTOP button. Playback Select FunctionThis function lets you select the playback picture whenthe two cameras or a video multiplexer are connected tothe Disc Recorder.1. While the recorder is paused in playback, press the(–) or (+) button repeatedly.The input channels or camera ID numbers are dis-played in the lower right corner of the monitorscreen as shown below.012345aMA PLAY P :CAPTURE RATEAUG 1.98 14:15:05 (A)T/L MODE– FORMAT +2. Press the PLAY BACK SELECT button. The pic-ture selected in step 1 by pressing the (–) or (+) but-ton is played back in the mode paused with thePAUSE button.3. To release this mode, select AB or ALL by pressingthe (–) or (+) button, then press the PLAY BACKSELECT button.Note: A camera ID specified to select the playbackpicture may not take effect until the second pic-ture displayed. Jump or Skip Record PlaybackThis function allows you to jump to a previous or nextrecord during playback. There are two modes avail-able.One jumps one record forward (or backward) from thecurrently selected record. The other skips the numberof records specified in the setup menu.After jumping or skipping records, the recorder resumesplayback in the mode paused with the PAUSE button. Jump Record FunctionPress the (or ) button during the playback.(or ) is displayed on the lower center ofthe monitor screen, and moves one record forward(or backward) from the record presently selected. Skip Record FunctionPress the (or ) button for about 2 secondsduring playback.(or ) is displayed in the lower center of themonitor screen. Playback skips forward or back-ward from the record currently selected by thenumber of records specified in the setup.