-26-MAINSET UP ENABLESYSTEM *REC MODE MODE1 *MODE2 *ALARM RECORD *SEARCH/PLAY *SYSTEM INFO *Panasonic AV Disc Recorder V1.0R00Move the cursor to ALARM RECORD in the MAINmenu by pressing the or button, then pressthe SET button. The ALARM RECORD menu shownbelow appears on the monitor screenALARM RECORDSIGNAL TYPE CLOSE ↓ALARMRECOVER FUNCTION TIMERTIMER DURATION 2 secBUZZER OFFLABEL *SENSORLABEL *DELAY TIME 0.05 secPROGRAM TIMER OFF4. Select ON by pressing the or button thenpress the SET button.ON: Time Lapse Program Timer Recording for thespecified day and time is enabled. Select thisparameter to set START and END.OFF: Time Lapse Program Timer Recording is dis-abled.5. Move the cursor to the time editing area by pressingthe or button, then set the time to start andend recording by pressing the (+) or (–) button.6. To return to setting the day of the week, press theSET UP/ESC button.7. Repeat procedures 3 to 6 to set times for other daysof the week.8. To apply the programmed times, press the SETUP/ESC button to return to the TIME LAPSE menu. Alarm Recording MenuThis menu allows you to change the alarm recordingand program timer settings.To select an item from the ALARM RECORD menu:1. Move the cursor to the desired item by pressing theor button.2. Select a parameter by pressing the or but-ton.3. Press the SET UP/ESC button to return to the previ-ous MAIN menu, if desired. Alarm Input Signal SetupThis item lets you select either Normally Open orNormally Closed for alarm or sensor input.1. Move the cursor to the SIGNAL TYPE parameter inthe ALARM RECORD menu by pressing the orbutton.2. Select either CLOSE or OPEN by pressing theor button.CLOSE: Accepts alarm signals in the closed state.OPEN: Accepts alarm signals in the open state.Note: Connect the unused ALARM IN/SENSOR INterminal input to ground (GND) on the rearTerminal Board.The default setting is CLOSE Alarm Recover Output Function SetupThis item lets you define the signal output in AlarmRecording mode from the ALARM RECOVER OUT ter-minal on the Terminal Board located on the rear of theDisc Recorder.1. Move the cursor to the RECOVER FUNCTION para-meter in the ALARM RECORD menu by pressing theor button.2. Select the desired mode by pressing the orbutton.TIMER: Signal is output when Alarm Recordingis terminated.MANUAL/EXT: Signal is output when the DiscRecorder’s ALARM RESET buttonis pressed or in response to anexternal alarm reset signal.The default setting is TIMER. Alarm Output Duration SetupThis item lets you select the duration of alarm signal out-put and sounding of the buzzer in response to alarminput. The alarm is automatically reset after the pro-grammed time.