-41-Note: Pressing the (or ) button for about 2seconds in step 2 will skip forward (or back-ward) by the number of records specified for theSKIP#RECORD parameter in the SEARCH/PLAYmenu.4. Move the cursor to the thumbnail to be displayed bypressing the , , or button.5. Press the PLAY (or ) button to playback the selected record forward (or backward).6. To display the thumbnail display again, press theINDEX button again.7. To stop playback or release the search function,press the STOP button. Direct SearchThis function lets you search records directly by speci-fying the record number or recording date.Note: Confirm that the ALARM REC indicator is not lit.If the indicator is lit, press the ALARM REC STAND-BY button to release the alarm record mode.1. Press the FIND button to display the record list withthe search editing area at the bottom as shownbelow.FINDNO RECORD TIME012348aMS AUG 1.98 14:59:55012347 MA AUG 1.98 14:58:25012346 M AUG 1.98 14:54:15012345 SS AUG 1.98 13:10:10012344aSA AUG 1.98 12:55:30012343aSA AUG 1.98 12:55:00012342 SS AUG 1.98 12:35:30012341 S AUG 1.98 12:25:30( 012348 RECORDS EXIST )SEARCH TIME AUG 1.98 14:59:55 (SET)2. Press the (or ) button to move the cursor tothe position to be edited in the search editing area.3. Select the desired digit or month by pressing the (+)or (–) button.4. Repeat procedures 2 and 3 to edit the other posi-tions.5. Press the SET button.If a record number or date matching the search isfound, playback starts immediately. If a matchingrecord is not found, a list of records including therecord with the closest matching number or date isdisplayed. The closest match is blinking.6. Press the SET button to play back the blinkingrecord.7. To stop playback or release the find function, pressthe STOP button.Notes:• Pressing the FIND button in the Thumbnail windowwill display the thumbnail pictures, each with asearch editing area at the bottom.• The content of the search editing area variesdepending on the mode set for the SEARCH DATAparameter in the SEARCH/PLAY menu.In the above step 2, however, you can press theFIND button to toggle the content of the search edit-ing area between record number and recordingdate. Deny Access FunctionThis function lets you deny access to specific records.To use this function, you must set and verify a passwordin the LOGICAL FORMAT menu.Refer to Disc Password on page 31 for the necessarysettings.1. Press the INDEX button to display the record list onthe monitor screen as shown below.INDEXNO RECORD TIME012348aMS AUG 1.98 14:59:55012347 MA AUG 1.98 14:58:25012346 M AUG 1.98 14:54:15012345 SS AUG 1.98 13:10:10012344aSA AUG 1.98 12:55:30012343aSA AUG 1.98 12:55:00012342 SS AUG 1.98 12:35:30012341 S AUG 1.98 12:25:30( 012348 RECORDS EXIST )1.a=Audio2.S=SINGLE-SHOT M=MULTI-SHOTT=TIMELAPSE3.A=ALARM S=SENSOR T=THERMALALARM RECSTANDBYDISC PASSWORDA B C D E F G H I J K L MN O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0CLEAR ENTER(SET)2. While the list is displayed on the monitor screen,press the ALARM REC STANDBY button.The DISC PASSWORD menu shown below appears.