-38-3. Load a write enabled disc to all recorders, thenpress the REC button of the MASTER recorder.The MASTER recorder starts recording in TimeLapse Recording mode. When the disc space ofthe MASTER recorder is used up, the SLAVE 1recorder will start recording.Note: When three or more recorders are connected,the SLAVE 2-15 recorders are activated innumerical order.4. While the SLAVE recorder is recording, load a newwrite enabled disc to the MASTER recorder. TheMASTER recorder will start recording in Time LapseRecording mode when the SLAVE recorder’s disc isfull.Note: When recording on one recorder is stopped,the other recorder starts recording. If you donot want the other recorder to record, removethe DVD-RAM disk. Auxiliary Alarm RecordingRefer to Series Recording 2 on page 13 for connections.1. In the SYSTEM menu of the MASTER recorder, setthe START UP STATUS parameter to ALARM RECand the SERIES REC OUT parameter to OPEN. Other Recording FunctionsBesides three recording modes, the Disc Recorderoffers a number of recording functions accessed fromthe setup menu. Auto Start Time Lapse RecordingThis function starts recording automatically in TimeLapse Recording mode when the recorder is poweredup.Refer to the Time Lapse Recording menu on page 22for the necessary settings.When set up for T/L Prog. Timer (Time Lapse ProgramTimer) Recording, the recorder will automatically startand stop recording at the programmed time and on theprogrammed day of the week.If no operation takes place for about 10 minutes in thismode, the recorder automatically goes on standby forT/L Prog. Timer Recording.To start T/L Prog. Timer Recording from standby, pressthe REC button.Refer to Time Lapse Program Timer Recording on page25 for details. Manual Time Lapse Alarm RecordingIn Manual or Auto Start Time Lapse Recording, thisfunction starts recording according to the selectedsetup for this mode when an alarm signal is receivedfrom the ALARM IN terminal on the Terminal Board.Refer to the MANUAL REC ALARM menu on page 24 forthe necessary settings.The record number is updated at the start and end ofManual Time Lapse Alarm Recording. The recordingduration corresponds to the value selected for theALARM TIMER DURATION parameter in the ALARMRECORD menu. Program RecordingThis function allows you to divide the day into two timezones and specify different attributes for AlarmRecording in these two time zones. You can also speci-fy two different recording patterns for each day.If no operation takes place for about 10 minutes in thismode, the recorder automatically goes on recordingstandby.To start Program Recording from standby, press theALARM REC STANDBY button.Notes:• Recording of VCR playback is not provided as afunction. Recording is possible, but the results maynot be satisfactory depending on the type of VCRused.• The recorded frames will not be satisfactory if thecameras and other peripherals are not connectedcorrectly.Refer all connection work to qualified service per-sonnel or system installers.SYSTEMCLOCK * AUG 1.98 0:00START UP STATUS ALARM RECSERIAL SET UP *VIDEO INPUT *STATUS DISPLAY ONALARM DISPLAY ONDISPLAY POSITION *SERIES REC MASTERSERIES REC OUT OPENDISC LED FUNCTION FULLBUZZER ONTIME LAPSE(MODE1)CAPTURE RATE 0.20 sec(RECORD TIME 1h35m)PRE FRAMES 0REC PATTERN -SENSOR REC SAME AS ALARMPRE FRAMES -POST REC PATTERN -MANUAL REC ALARM OFFRECORD PARTITION 50AUTO START ON2. Load a write enabled disc, then press the ALARMREC STANDBY button of the MASTER recorder.The MASTER recorder stands by for recording.3. Repeat procedures 1 and 2 for the SLAVE recorder.The SLAVE recorder starts recording when a sec-ond alarm signal is received while the MASTERrecorder is recording.