-37-3. The recorder repeats procedure 2 until the ALARMREC STANDBY button is pressed.4. To stop alarm recording, press the ALARM RECSTANDBY button. Series RecordingSeries Recording refers to recording on two series-con-nected Disc Recorders.Refer to Series Recording in the SYSTEM menu on page19 for the necessary settings.The following three methods are available for SeriesRecording.Alternate Alarm RecordingWhen the disc space of the MASTER recorder isused up in Alarm Recording, Alarm Recording isswitched to the SLAVE recorder.Alternate Time Lapse RecordingWhen the disc space of the MASTER recorder isused up in Time Lapse Recording, Time LapseRecording is switched to the SLAVE recorder.Auxiliary Alarm RecordingWhen a second alarm signal is received while theMASTER recorder is recording, an auxiliary recordis made on the SLAVE recorder.Notes:• Make sure to confirm all settings for operatingdisc recorders in series recording.• Set the SERIES REC parameter in the SYSTEMmenu to MASTER for the first recorder and toSLAVE 1 for the second. When three or morerecorders are connected for Time LapseRecording, set SLAVE 2 for the third recorder,SLAVE 3 for the fourth, and so on up to SLAVE15. The SLAVE 2 - 15 recorders are activated innumerical sequence.• For Alternate Alarm or Time Lapse Recording,set the ENDLESS parameter in the REC MODE 1menu to OFF.• Select the same recording method when operat-ing multiple recorders in Alternate AlarmRecording or Auxiliary Alarm Recording. Alternate Alarm RecordingRefer to Series Recording 1 on page 13 for connections.1. In the SYSTEM menu of both recorders, set theSTART UP STATUS parameter to ALARM REC.SYSTEMCLOCK * AUG 1.98 0:00START UP STATUS ALARM RECSERIAL SET UP *VIDEO INPUT *STATUS DISPLAY ONALARM DISPLAY ONDISPLAY POSITION *SERIES REC MASTERSERIES REC OUT CLOSE ↓DISC LED FUNCTION FULLBUZZER ON2. Load a write enabled disc to both recorders. Thenfirst press the ALARM REC STANDBY button of theMASTER recorder and then that of the SLAVErecorder.The MASTER recorder starts recording in AlarmRecording mode. When the disc space of the MAS-TER recorder is used up, the SLAVE recorder willstart recording.3. While the SLAVE recorder is recording, load a newwrite enabled disc to the MASTER recorder, andpress the ALARM REC STANDBY button of theMASTER recorder. Alternate Time Lapse RecordingRefer to Series Recording 2 on page 13 for connections.1. In the SYSTEM menu of all recorders, set the STARTUP STATUS parameter to MANUAL and the SERIESREC OUT parameter to CLOSE.SYSTEMCLOCK * AUG 1.98 0:00START UP STATUS MANUALSERIAL SET UP *VIDEO INPUT *STATUS DISPLAY ONALARM DISPLAY ONDISPLAY POSITION *SERIES REC MASTERSERIES REC OUT CLOSE ↓DISC LED FUNCTION FULLBUZZER ON2. In the TIME LAPSE (MODE 1) menu of all recorders,set the AUTO START parameter to ON.