Section 13: LPT library function reference Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual13-98 4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017pulse_execThis command is used to validate the test configuration and start test execution.Usageint pulse_exec(long mode);mode The mode of execution:• PULSE_MODE_SIMPLE or 0: No analysis performed during testing; noranging, no load-line effect compensation, and no threshold checking• PULSE_MODE_ADVANCED or 1: Enables the analytical sweep engine andincorporates the use of any combination of the various options for thestandard (2-level) pulse modePulsers4220-PGU4225-PMUPulse modeStandard and Segment ArbDetailsUse this command to validate the test configuration, select the simple or advanced mode, andexecute the test. If there are any problems with the test configuration, the validation will stop and thetest will not be executed.The pulse_exec command is nonblocking, which means that if this command is called to executethe test, the program continues and does not wait for the test to finish. Therefore, after callingpulse_exec, the pulse_exec_status command must be called in a while loop to ensure thetest is complete before fetching data or exiting the user test module (UTM).There are two commands that affect a pulse test while it is running:• The pulse_remove command removes a PMU channel from the test.• The dev_abort command aborts the test.The Internal Trigger Bus trigger source (see pulse_trig_source command) is used only by the4220-PGU and 4225-PMU for triggering. The pulse_exec command automatically uses the internaltrigger bus. A trigger input to start a pulse_exec test is not available.Do not exit the user module while the test is still running. Incorrect readings or device damage mayresult.