Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual Section 13: LPT library function reference4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017 13-13Exampledouble ir4;..conpin(SMU1, 1, 0);conpin(GND, 2, 0);forcev(SMU1, 60.0); /* Generate 60 V from SMU1. */delay(20); /* Pause for 20 ms. */measi(SMU1, &ir4); /* Measure current; return *//* result to ir4. */This example measures the leakage current of a variable-capacitance diode. SMU1 applies 60 V acrossthe diode. This device is always configured in the reverse bias mode, so the high side of SMU1 isconnected to the cathode. Because this type of diode has very high capacitance and low leakage current,a 20 ms delay is added. After the delay, current through SMU1 is measured and stored in the variable IR4.Also seerdelay (on page 13-35)devintThis command resets all active instruments in the system to their default states.Usageint devint(void);DetailsResets all active instruments in the system to their default states. It clears the system by opening allrelays and disconnecting the pathways. Meters and sources are reset to their default states. Refer tothe hardware manuals for the instruments in your system for listings of available ranges and thedefault conditions and ranges.The devint command is implicitly called by the execut command.