Section 5: Pulse measure and pulse generator units Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual5-6 4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017Model 4225-RPMThe 4225-RPM is a remote amplifier/switch that is used as a current preamplifier for the 4225-PMU.The RPM provides additional high-speed, low-current measurement ranges.The RPM can also be used as a switch for the 4200-SMU and 4210-CVU. See Use the RPM as aswitch (on page 5-8).RPM input, output, and top panelsThe input, output, and top panels for the RPM are shown in the next figure. The RPM connector onthe input panel connects to one of the RPM connectors (channel 1 or channel 2) on the 4225-PMU.The RPM also has input connectors for a 4200-SMU (source-measure unit) and a 4210-CVU(capacitance-voltage unit).The next figure shows the modes for the RPM LED colors. Note that the RPM LED shows the modeof the RPM, but not the output status. The output status of the 4200A-SCS is indicated by theOperate light on the front of the 4200A-SCS chassis. During normal Clarius operation, only the red,green, or blue lights are shown. However, other colors or color combinations are possible, and arenormal part of the RPM operation. During 4225-PMU self-test, the RPM light is green, but there is aportion of the test where the LED flashes red and green. During the 4225-RPM self-test, the RPMLED alternates between purple and green for the majority of the test. During firmware upgrade of the4225-PMU, the RPM LED is green, but flashes red and green near the end of the process. Duringfirmware upgrade of the 4225-RPM, the RPM LED is blue at the start, and changes to green for theremainder of the process.Figure 144: 4225-RPM