Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual Appendix A: Using switch matrices4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017 A-7Switch matrix mainframesThe 4200A-SCS provides a user library containing preconfigured data acquisition and control usermodules for the Series 700 Switch System.You can use the 4200A-SCS with switch matrices from other vendors. However, you will need todevelop software to control these matrices from Clarius +. See Keithley User Library Tool (KULT) (onpage 8-1) for information about developing user modules and libraries.Card installationRefer to the instructions for your matrix card for card installation instructions.GPIB connectionsThe 4200A-SCS controls the switch matrix using the GPIB interface. Connect the GPIB port of theswitch matrix to the 4200A-SCS using a 7007-1 or 7007-2 GPIB cable.Switch matrix connectionsA switch matrix enhances the connectivity of the 4200A-SCS by allowing any SMU or preamplifiersignal to be connected to any DUT pin. Typically, devices are connected to columns and instrumentsare connected to rows. The following topics summarize recommended switching mainframes andmatrix cards. They also show typical connection schemes with SMUs and preamplifiers..Typical SMU matrix card connectionsThe figure below shows typical SMU matrix card connections using local sensing. Note that the fourSMU FORCE terminals are connected to the matrix card rows, while the DUT HI terminals areconnected to the matrix card columns. All 12 DUT LO terminals are connected together, and the DUTLO signal is connected to the ground unit FORCE terminal. Any SMU FORCE terminal can beconnected to any DUT HI terminal simply by closing the appropriate matrix crosspoint.