Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual Section 7: Keithley Configuration Utility (KCon)4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017 7-17Set up KXCI for GPIB controlTo set up GPIB control:1. Select KXCI Settings. The KXCI Settings dialog box is displayed, as shown in the followingfigure.2. Set Communications to GPIB.3. Set the GPIB Address. This is the primary address of the 4200A-SCS when operating underKXCI control. If the selected GPIB address conflicts with the GPIB address of another systemcomponent, a red exclamation-point symbol (!) is displayed next to the selected address.4. Set the Reading Delimiter to determine the output data delimiter characters that are added tothe end of each KXCI output message: Select String Terminator to use a character. Select Comma to terminate output data with a comma (,).5. If you selected String Terminator, select the type of Character: None to use no character. CR to use a carriage return. LF to use a line feed. CR/LF to use a carriage return and line feed character sequence.6. If String Terminator is selected, select EOI ON or EOI OFF. The EOI setting determines if the4200A-SCS asserts the GPIB End Or Identify (EOI) signal with the last byte of each output datamessage.7. Select OK.Figure 416: KXCI Settings dialog box