Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual Section 6: Clarius4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017 6-323Returned values are placed in the Analyze sheet and can be:• 3: The Abort button was selected.• 4: The Retry button was selected.• 5: The Ignore button was selected.• -10050 (WINULIB_ILLEGAL_NUM_MSG): An illegal number of messages was specified.• -10051 (WINULIB_ILLEGAL_STRING_LEN): The length of one or more messages was toolong.• -10052 (WINULIB_NO_WINDOW_HANDLE): No window handle for Clarius was found. Clarius isnot running.Examplestatus = AbortRetryIgnoreDialog(1, "This is a one line message", "", "", "");status = AbortRetryIgnoreDialog(4, "Line one", "Line two", "Line three", "Linefour");Also seeNoneInputOkCancelDialog user moduleThis user module creates a dialog box that can prompt for up to four input parameters.Usagestatus = InputOkCancelDialog(int NumOfInputs, char *Input1Prompt, char *Input1,char *Input2Prompt, char *Input2, char *Input3Prompt, char *Input3, char*Input4Prompt, char *Input4);status Returned values; see DetailsNumberOfInputs The number of text lines to displayInput1Prompt The text to display on the first line of the dialog box; this line must be less than 40characters.Input1 A character buffer for the first user input field; any text that the user inputs in the firstdisplayed field is stored hereInput2Prompt The text to display on the second line of the dialog box; this line must be less than40 characters.Input2 A character buffer for the second user input field; any text that the user inputs in thesecond displayed field is stored hereInput3Prompt The text to display on the third line of the dialog box; this line must be less than 40charactersInput3 A character buffer for the third user input field; any text that the user inputs in thethird displayed field is stored hereInput4Prompt The text to display on the fourth line of the dialog box; this line must be less than 40charactersInput4 A character buffer for the fourth user input field; any text that the user inputs in thefourth displayed field is stored here