Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual Appendix E: Using a Keysight 8110A/8111A Pulse Generator4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017 E-3Switch matrix connections: When using a switch matrix that is equipped with triax connectors,separate HI-to-LO matrix paths are required for the pulse generator. A typical connection scheme forthis type of switch matrix is shown below. As shown, OUTPUT 1(HI) is connected to a matrix row, andthe return path (LO) from the switch matrix is connected to the ground unit (GNDU). Note that in orderto complete the return path, a separate cable connection from the GNDU to the chassis of the pulsegenerator is required. Remember, the chassis of the pulse generator is output LO.Figure 617: Connections to switch matrix equipped with triaxial connectorsThe following figure shows the actual pulse output signal path through the switch matrix to the deviceunder test (DUT), and back to the pulse generator. A more detailed look at signal paths is provided inUsing Switch Matrices (on page A-1).Figure 618: Pulse output signal pathGPIB connectionsThe 4200A-SCS controls the pulse generator through the General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB). Usethe 7007-1 or 7007-2 GPIB cable to connect the GPIB port of the pulse generator to the GPIB port ofthe 4200A-SCS.