55Shutter SpeedChanging the Shutter Speed ValueWhen the shutter speed mode is set to a mode other than OFF or automatic, you can set the shutter speedmanually as a speed value, angle or clear scan frequency.You can also perform this function remotely using Browser Remote on a connected network device (A 162,168).1 To change the shutter speed increment for Speed mode, select [Shutter Increment].> [v ! Camera Setup] > [Shutter Increment]2 Select [Normal] or [Fine] and then press SET.• If you select [Fine], you can adjust the shutter speed in increments of 1/256 stop.3 After closing the menu, select a shutter speed mode other than OFF or Automatic (A 53).• The camera will enter direct setting mode with the shutter speed value highlighted in orange.• Alternatively, you can press the FUNC button repeatedly to highlight the current shutter speed value withoutchanging the current shutter speed mode.4 Adjust the shutter speed, angle value or clear scan frequency using the direct setting mode.• For details refer to Using the Direct Setting Mode (A 52).• The selected shutter speed will appear at the bottom of the screen.NOTESNOTES• Closing down the aperture when recording under bright conditions may cause the picture to appear soft or outof focus. To avoid the loss of sharpness due to diffraction, use a denser ND filter (A 58), a faster shutterspeed, or open up the aperture (A 59).• When the gain and aperture are set to manual and the shutter speed mode is set to a mode other than OFF orautomatic, the exposure bar will appear at the bottom of the screen (A 60).• When the camcorder is set to full auto mode (A 43) or you activate infrared recording (A 116), the shutterspeed mode will be set to automatic. If you activate both slow motion recording and infrared recording at thesame time, the shutter speed will be set to 1/120 (59.94 Hz recordings) or automatically within the range1/120 – 1/100 (50.00 Hz recordings).• When an optional RC-V100 Remote Controller is connected to the camcorder, you can change the shutterspeed mode with the remote controller’s SHUTTER SELECT button and the shutter speed value with theremote controller’s SHUTTER Í/Î buttons, regardless of the position of the camcorder's SHUTTER switch.• If you set an assignable button to [Shutter] (A 117), you can press the button to enter the direct setting modewith the shutter speed highlighted.Flicker ReductionYou can perform the following procedure to have the camcorder automatically detect and reduce flicker.1 Select [Flicker Reduction].> [v ' Camera Setup] > [Flicker Reduction]2 Select [Automatic] and then press SET.NOTESNOTES• When recording under artificial light sources such as fluorescent, mercury or halogen lamps, the screen mayflicker depending on the shutter speed. You may be able to avoid flicker by setting the shutter speed mode toSpeed and the shutter speed to a value matching the frequency of the local electrical system: 1/50* or 1/100for 50 Hz systems, 1/60 or 1/120 for 60 Hz systems.* May not be available depending on the frame rate.