151Working with Clips on a ComputerWorking with Clips on a ComputerSaving Clips to a ComputerUse Canon XF Utility to save and organize clips on a computer. You can use the Canon XF plugins to easily useclips directly from non-linear editing (NLE) software made by Avid. To be able to use XF-HEVC clips in Canon XFUtility or the Canon XF plugins, you will need to download and install also the Canon XF-HEVC Decoder. Thesoftware, plugins and decoder are available as free downloads from your local Canon Web site. Check thedownload page for the system requirements and latest information.You will find detailed instructions about installing and uninstalling the software in the "Read This First" file(Install-XF Utility.pdf) included in the compressed file you will download from the Web site. For details about usingthe software, refer to the instruction manual (PDF file) that is installed with the software.Canon XF Utility (for Windows/macOS): Software application that allows you to save clips on a computer,check, play back and organize clips and grab still frames from clips.Canon XF Plugin for Avid Media Access (for Windows/macOS): Plugin that allows you to easily import clipsfrom an SD card or a local folder in the computer to the compatible version of Avid Media Composer (an NLEapplication compatible with Avid Media Access), directly from within the application.Canon XF-HEVC Decoder (for Windows/macOS): Decoder that allows you to play back XF-HEVC clips usingCanon XF Utility or the Canon XF plugins. The decoder is required to use XF-HEVC clips on a computer.