Playback1321 XF-HEVC clips only.2 For clips recorded using slow motion recording, the shooting frame rate and playback frame rate will both be displayed.Switching SD CardsIf both card slots contain a card, press the SLOT SELECTbutton to play back recordings from the other card.Switching Index ScreensThe index screen that appears when you switch to modedepends on the current recording settings. Change the index screen toplay back clips recorded in a different format or photos.[XF-HEVC Index]:Index screen of XF-HEVC clips recorded on the selected card.[XF-AVC Index]:Index screen of XF-AVC clips recorded on the selected card.[Photo Index]:Index screen of photos recorded on SD card B (only).8 1091415451712136321716 18111 Key lock (A 43)2 Shot mark (A 107, 141)3 $ mark/% mark (A 107, 139)4 Orange selection frame5 Custom picture file embedded (A 123)6 Clip identification (camera index, reel number andclip number) (A 48)7 Recording date and time8 Clip thumbnail9 SD card (the one currently selected appears inwhite)10 Index screen currently displayed (A 132)11 Network connection (A 160) /FTP transfer (A 177)12 Clip number / Total number of clips13 Recording date (month and day only) and time14 Clip’s start time code15 Clip duration16 Slow motion recording1 (A 113)17 Color sampling and resolution (A 51)18 Frame rate2 (A 50)