Browser Remote: Controlling the Camcorder from a Network Device1645 Select the language for Browser Remote.• Touch [H] and select the desired language from the list. The language selected appliesmainly to the metadata screen and to messages displayed in the application. Theapplication's buttons are displayed in English only, regardless of the language selected.6 Use the Browser Remote controls to operate the camcorder.• Descriptions of the controls are given in the following pages. Detailed operation is givenin each function’s reference page.7 When you have finished using Browser Remote, turn it off on the camcorder> [ ! Network Settings] > [Network Functions] > [Off]• The network icons will turn yellow and then disappear from the screen and theconnection with the application will be terminated.NOTES• Depending on the network used and the strength of the Wi-Fi signal, you may notice delays in the refreshing ofthe live view image and other settings.• If Browser Remote is set to a language other than the language set on network device, the application may notbe displayed correctly.Using Browser RemoteThe Browser Remote application has 3 screens: [v] the main screen for controlling the camcorder remotely inrecording mode, [ ] the metadata screen, and [ ] a basic screen that allows users only to start/stop recordingusing a smartphone or other device with a small screen. The screen displayed will differ depending on the userinformation used to log in.The following sections explain how to use the Browser Remote controls. For detailed information and applicablerestrictions about the functions themselves, please refer to each function’s explanation.NOTES• Browser Remote does not support multi-touch gestures.Language selectionCamcorder IDNetwork connectionindicator