Paper Creases or Curls0YSF-06LPaper CreasesIs paper loaded correctly?● If paper is not loaded below the load limit line or the load limit guide or is loaded obliquely, it may crease.Loading Paper(P. 38)Are you using paper that has absorbed moisture?● Replace with appropriate paper.Loading Paper(P. 38)Are you using appropriate paper?● Check usable paper, and replace with appropriate paper.Paper(P. 620)Loading Paper(P. 38)Do creases form when you print on thin paper?● Change the setting of . Selecting may improve the problem.Reduce Waving (Thin)(P. 426)● If you select , printouts may be faded.Does this occur when you print on plain paper or envelopes?● On the printer driver, change the setting of [Wrinkle Adjustment]. The problem may be improved by [Mode1] when printing on paper whose type is Plain/Plain L/Plain L2, or by [Mode 2] when printing on envelopes.[Finishing] tab [Advanced Settings] [Wrinkle Adjustment] Select the mode● If you select [Mode 1], the printing speed will be slower.● If you select [Mode 2], printed images may be smudged.Troubleshooting556