Do smudges appear on printouts when you use the machine in anenvironment with low humidity?● Change the setting for . Setting this item to may solve the problem.Sp. Transfer Mode(P. 424)● If you select and use the machine in an environment with high humidity, the print density maybecome lighter or uneven.Do smudges appear on printouts depending on the paper type or theoperating environment?● Change the setting for . Setting this item to may solve the problem.Special Print Adj. C(P. 430)● If you select , the printing speed will be slower.Toner Smudges and Splatters AppearAre you using appropriate paper?● Check usable paper, and replace with appropriate paper.Paper(P. 620)Loading Paper(P. 38)Afterimages Appear in Blank AreasAre you using appropriate paper?● Check usable paper, and replace with appropriate paper.Troubleshooting550