UBI Stand-Alone Concept84Transmission from Printerto Printer, cont'd.Please turn your attention to the transmitting printer:Select the Output option by pressing the < 0 > key.Output 1:Layouts2:Labels 3:AllSpecify if you want to transmit a copy of all layouts (< 1 >), alllabels (< 2 >), or all layouts and labels plus the setup (< 3 >). Amessage will appear in the display of the transmitting printer:Sending...Please waitWhen the transmission is completed, both printers will show themain transmission menu:0:Output 1:Input2:Keyb 3:DeviceThe transmitted data are now stored in the RAM memory of thereceiving printer, replacing all labels or layouts with the corre-sponding numbers. If the data contains a setup, the current setup inthe receiving printer will be replaced too. You may now go on andperform other data transfers or go back to the main menu of the SetMode by pressing < Esc >.1:Layout 2:Setup3:Transm 4:DatePress < Esc > to return to the Main Stand-Alone menu.DATA TRANSFER, cont'd.