UBI Stand-Alone Concept3INTRODUCTIONThe UBI Stand-Alone Concept is a ready-to-uselabel printing program for the EasyCoder 101 SAand the EasyCoder 201 IISA direct thermal printers,the EasyCoder 501 SA direct thermal/thermal trans-fer printer and the corresponding EasyPak models.Utilizing the flexible UBI Fingerprint 4.0 program-ming language, the UBI Stand-Alone Concept of-fers the printing of labels, tickets, tags or strip withvarious layouts and fixed or variable information inthe form of text, bar codes, images, lines, boxes,counters, time and dates.The UBI Stand-Alone Program is easy to use andrequires no previous knowledge in programming.The operator controls the printing via the built-inmembrane keyboard, an external alpha-numericASCII keyboard, or a scanner, by responding toprompts in the printer's display window.Being completely self-contained, the printer onlyneeds a power supply. No computer connection isnecessary, although the printer is prepared for thetransferring of labels and layouts to, or from, apersonal computer, a computer network or anotherprinter.This version of the UBI Stand-Alone Concept iscompatible with the UBI LabelShop label-editingprogram for Microsoft Windows 3.1. In UBI Label-Shop, labels and layouts can easily be producedthanks to the WYSIWYG presentation. Then youcan then temporarily “dock” your UBI Stand-Aloneprinter to the computer and download the labels andlayouts, before returning to independent operation.The EasyCoder 101 SA and EasyCoder 201 II SAboth come in two versions with either a 6 dots/mmprinthead for accurate EAN/UPC bar code print-ing, or an 8 dots/mm printhead for increased leg-ibility and better reproduction of pictures and logo-types. The EasyCoder 501 SA is available with an8 dots/mm printhead, or an 11.81 dots/mm print-head with suberb resolution.Depending on printer model, a large number ofoptions can be installed, including paper cutter,memory card adapter, interface boards, and varioustypes of paper handling equipment. Please refer tothe Technical Description for the printer model inquestion for further information.P U L L / T I R E ZPowerReadyErrorPause SaveFeedEnter7 8 94 5 61 2 3- 0 CInsDelEscEasyCoder 101 SAPowerReadyErrorPauseSaveFeedEnter741-8520963CEasyCoder 201 IISAIns Del EscCaps Ins Del4 5 6PowerReadyErrorEasyCoder 501 SAShiftZ X C V B N M , .SpaceA S D F G H J K L +Clear0EnterQ W E R T Y U I O P 1 2 3Alt Pause Save Feed Esc7 8 9<>[]^;:ÖÄا@~£'_*?–ÅÆ|"#$%&/()=ÜßÙÉÈÀÇÑμPrintEasyCoder 501 SAEasyCoder 201 IISAEasyCoder 101 SA