VIPedgePreferencesVIPedge UG 12/12 TOSHIBA 91Calling Within MyHome Area Code• Home Area Code – Set this to the Area code where the phone is located. Thiswill be used by Call Manager to determine which dialed calls are within yourhome area code and when searching a contact manager (reverse screen-pop) the dialed number will need the area code included, i.e. MicrosoftOutlook. This is a duplicate of the entry to the one made in the Dialing Tab,thus the value entered previously will show here.• All Home Area Code Numbers Local? – Select either All Calls in my AreaCode or only Calls to these Office Codes.• Local Office Codes – This entry is only presented if you chose Call to theseOffice Codes in the previous step. The pull down listing shows the exchangecodes (prefix codes) that are considered to be a local call from your location.Click the C button to display the “Change Dial Rules” screen.• To Add Local Prefix Codes – Enter the prefix code and click Add. Thewild card character ‘#’ can be entered at the end of a prefix code entryto represent a range of codes. For example, 75# would represent allcodes 750 to 759 and 7## would represent codes 700 to 799.• To Delete Local Prefix Codes – Highlight a prefix entry and clickDelete button. The delete button removes the entire entry from thelist, thus if the entry has a wild card, then it removes all codesrepresented by the wild card character.• To Delete a Specific Prefix Code – To delete one prefix code that ispart of a range of codes entered using a wild card character, enter theprefix code to be considered not local in the Long Distance box andclick Add. For example, if prefix code 755 is long distance but all other75# codes are local, first enter 75# into the local list and the add 755as Long Distance – the resulting local list will be 750, 751, 752, 753,754, 756, 757, 758 and 759.• Dial Area Code on Local Calls – Enable this feature in areas, such as Atlanta,where you must always dial the full 10-digit phone number (include the areacode) even when the call is local. Most areas of the US, local calls do notinclude the area code and dial only 7 digit numbers for local calls. Any numberdialed from another program or hot key dialing will be down to its base 7 digitsby removing the Home Area Code before it is dialed.• Add+1 – Check the box if you need to dial a leading 1 before the number forcalls within your Home Area Code.• Dial Area Code Plus the Number – Check the box when the home area codeis also to be dialed.